
Browsealoud is a free plugin that reads web pages to you.

Download and install Browsealoud

As part of our on-going improvements in making our website accessible to all, we are pleased to announce that our website is speech-enabled with free to download software. Browsealoud helps those with reading difficulties, literacy problems, mild vision difficulties and where English is not their first language.

If you install the Browsealoud plugin on your computer, you can have the web pages on the PRV:s website read to you. Many other websites have this facility. If a web site is browsealoud enabled, the icon has a red tick and your mouse pointer enlarges, changes colour to yellow and has a small blue circle next to it.

Your computer must have a sound card fitted for Browsealoud to work and you will need speakers, or headphones. Simply by scrolling your mouse over the text that you want read to you, Browsealoud will read and speak what you require, helping you navigate enabled websites more easily. Browsealoud features include:

  • Control of voice, pitch and speed.
  • User defined hotkeys to activate and deactivate speech.
  • A pronunciation engine to add words and define how a word is pronounced.
  • The option to add voices to those already on the computer.
  • The option to have the program start when the computer starts.
  • Once the software is installed, a circular icon in the system tray is present when the program is running.
