
Once you have filed your application, it becomes an official document, but you can request that the images be kept secret for a period of time.

Keeping the images in your application secret may be important if you do not want the product’s appearance to become public until it comes out on the market.

Secret already in the application

If you want the design to be kept secret, this must be stated in your application. You cannot request secrecy after you have filed the application.

Your design can remain secret for a maximum of six months from the date you filed an application with images. If you refer to priority from an earlier application, the design is secret for six months from the priority date.

If you send in images by e-mail, but the actual application form through the regular post, it is important that you request that the design shall be kept secret in the e-mail.

The other parts of your application and journal information are still public even if the images are secret.

You can discontinue the secrecy if you want. To do this, you must submit a written request and state the date on which you want the design to become public. The letter must have an original signature and you need to send it in by the regular post.