Beware of scams! Always check the source before paying an invoice. PRV never issues invoices, never requests forms to be filled in, and never calls regarding renewals or new trademark registrations.
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A design protection protects the appearance and shape, but not a product’s function or the underlying idea.
Introduction to designs
About designs
Good to know about designsExamples of registered designFAQ about designsDesign in 2 minutes
Prepare your application
Before applyingImagesFeesSubmit applicationHire PRV's experts
Manage your registered design
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For you who are an IP professional
Online servicesDesign databasesMy deposit accountRegister your design
Copyright protects music, movies, literature and other creations such as sculptures, furniture, lamps and architecture. Even the source code to a software is protected by copyright.
Introduction to copyrights
About copyright
Good to know about copyrightsFAQ about copyrightsWhat is protected?What am I not allowed to do?
The PRV School on copyright
Image, text and music
Copyright on imagesCopyright on AI imagesCopyright on musicCopyright for written works
What is streaming?FAQ about streaming
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PRV offers a variety of information material, activities and training within the field of intellectual property. We can offer training based on your specific needs.
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What are intangible assets?The PRV SchoolAI and copyright
Guidance and support
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PRV's services
PRV's services
PRV offers a range of different services for those who want to protect an innovation, trademark or design, learn more about intellectual property rights or need help and support.
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Beware of scams! Always check the source before paying an invoice. PRV never issues invoices, never requests forms to be filled in, and never calls regarding renewals or new trademark registrations.
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Fees for designs
When you submit your application for design registration, you must also pay the application fee.
Application fees for design registration in Sweden
Filing a designapplication using e-service
Filing fee for registration of 1 design using our electronic services. One five-year period.
2 000 SEK
Other service refers to an application that has been submitted in another way than PRV's e-service, including applications that are submitted via e-mail.
Apply for design registration - via paper or e-mail
Filing fee for registration of 1 design via paper och e-mail
2 500 SEK
Apply for another five-year period
For additional five-year period of 1 design. Applies in conjunction with first registration, see above.
2 200 SEK
Additional fees
Additional fees for design
Multiple registration fee for additional design.
1 400 SEK
Announcement fee for each image in addition to the first.
200 SEK
Class fee for each additional class a design or several designs from a multiple registration are classified in.
500 SEK
Storage fee for each specimen.
800 SEK
Surcharge when renewal fees are paid after the registration period has expired.
500 SEK
Surcharge when renewal fees are paid after the registration period has expired 500 SEK
500 SEK
Renewal fees
Renewal fees for design
Renewal fee for a registered design using our electronic services. Per five-year period. Class fee, multiple registration fee and storage fee are additional, see below.
2 500 SEK
Other renewal, 5 years.
3 000 SEK
Storage fee for each specimen
800 SEK
New owner and license
New owner and license
Application for register entry of a new owner
900 SEK
Application for register entry of a new license
900 SEK
Priority document
350 SEK
Certificate of registered design
200 SEK
Community design
Community design
Fee for transmittal of application for Community design to EUIPO
500 SEK
Fee for issuing the certificate, representative before EUIPO