What is prohibited?

The holder of copyright of a work can prohibit others from copying it or making it available to the public.

Copies of the work

Copies refer to both physical and digital ones. For example, if a work is downloaded to a computer, one - or sometimes several - copies of the work are made.

Make a work available to the public

By communication to the public, public performance, public display of copies or distribution of copies, a work is made available to the public.

Communication occurs through radio, television or internet.

Public performance refers to live performances to an audience. 

Display and distribution may only relate to physical items (such as paintings, books or CDs).

It is important to clarify which of these acts that is relevant, since the copyright protection may be limited to some actions.

Moral rights

Copyright also have moral rights. The moral rights imply that the author must be mentioned when someone uses the work and others may not amend the work in a derogatory manner or use the work in an offensive context.