
Most of PRV Consulting's search services have a delivery time of 12 working days. For search services relating to trademarks, the regular delivery time is 7 weekdays.

For services where we have provided a cost estimate, the delivery time is calculated from the day of acceptance. A few services are delivered under specific conditions: this will then be clearly stated in the information leaflet. Should the delivery of a search report be delayed without any further notice, it will be delivered without any expenses on your part.

For safe orders and deliveries, use PRV Information Secure (opens in a new window)

Express delivery

When there is a need for a quick answer, you can order express delivery for a fee. The services Novelty search (patent) and trademark Pre-file search is delivered within 48 hours after placement of the order under special conditions.

For other services, we will provide a delivery proposal together with the cost estimate. Delivery times for services with a cost estimate are calculated from the day of your acceptance.

Please note that, due to third party transaction time, we can´t guarantee complete delivery of non-patent literature within 48 hours. However, in these rare cases we deliver remaining NPL as soon as possible.