Formal check

When your application is filed to PRV, we check that it meets certain formal requirements.

Your application will now be examined for compliance with the formal requirements, for instance that you have paid the filing fee and chosen the language of grant.

When we have checked the formal requirements, all necessary documents shall be available for a substantive examination of the application to be carried out.

Filing date

The first thing we do when your application is submitted to us is to investigate whether your application can be assigned a filing date. Filing date is important for two reasons:

  • If you later receive a patent for your invention, the patent period will start from the filing date.
  • You can refer to the filing date when you want to claim priority from the application in other countries.

This should be included in your application

The application shall consist of

  • a description of the invention
  • patent claims
  • a summary

You also need to sign your application and decide in which language you want the patent, Swedish or English.

Please note that any formal deficiencies must be remedied before we can begin the search and examination and technical processing of your patent application. If the application contains significant formal deficiencies, we will send you a notice to rectify them. Otherwise, you will not hear from PRV for about four months. This delay is to ensure that our databases are up to date prior to the substantive examination of the application.