Technical notice

A technical notice is a technical opinion that we send to you. In the notice, the examiner lists the obstacles to grant your patent, which were found during the search.


In the notice, the examiner lists the obstacles found during the novelty search. The obstacles may be technical solutions similar to your invention. In the notice, you will also find a list of the documents that the patent engineer considers to be obstacles to your patent application. These documents can be downloaded from our e-service "Documents adduced" or ordered in paper form.

Other deficiencies

The technical notice may also address deficiencies in the drafting of the application, e.g., if something is unclear, or if the application contains more than one invention.

The technical notice is either in Swedish or English, depending on which language you have chosen.

Not a final decision

A notice is not a final decision. You can respond if you disagree with the patent engineer's conclusions. Your answer should be in writing, and in your answer you should argue why your application should be granted.

Swedish search report

As an extra service, we enclose a document called the Swedish search report with the technical notice. This report presents additional documents found by PRV in the course of the review. The report can give you a more complete picture of developments in the technology area in question.

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Response to a notice


