The possibility to move

Ylva Dahlén is a physiotherapist who often encounters children with severe functional disabilities. To give these children the possibility to move happily, she invented Hoppolek.

Movement with the help of buttons

Ylva Dahlén invented an aid which consists of a plate that can vibrate in different ways. The child can stand, hop and spin. With the help of brightly coloured buttons, the child can decide how the plate moves and, as a result, can control fun movements him/herself. Hoppolek can also be connected to music and a viewing screen. Ylva Dahlén has been granted different subsidies to produce a prototype and a tested, working machine now exists.

Counteracts brittleness of the bones

Hoppolek has been tested on a small group of children with functional disabilities and it appears to have a good effect in the counteraction of brittleness of the bones, which often affects children who struggle to carry out certain movements. Shock movements against gravity, something children often carry out naturally, provide stimulus for the building of bone in the skeleton. With the help of Hoppolek, children have the possibility to carry out this type of movement and brittleness of the bones can hopefully be reduced.

Ylva Dalén - möjlighet till rörelse

Swedish Patent Database (external website)