Trademark forms

Here you can find forms related to trademarks.

Please use our services online

You can also apply using our trademark services online.

For our forms you need Adobe Acrobat Reader

All our forms can be completed on the screen, but you have to print them in order to sign. They are in PDF format and always open in a new window. For best compatibility we recommend you to use Internet Explorer. You also need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read, fill in and print the forms. The programme is free to download.

Download Adobe Acrobat Reader (external website)

Trademark forms

Note that all forms are in Swedish. 

Application for trademark registration (pdf 1,4 MB)

Request to renew a registered trademark and/or record changes to a registered trademark ( pdf 1 MB)

Request to record a license agreement (pdf 165 kB)

Request to register a pledge agreement (pdf 150 kB)

Request to withdraw a pledge agreement (pdf 625 kB)

Request to record a transferral of ownership of pledge agreement (pdf 40 kB)

Application to revoke a trademark (pdf 847 kB)

Application for representative certification before the EUIPO (pdf 173 kB)

Confirmation of transfer of ownership of trademark registration (pdf 214 kB)

Power of attorney (pdf 139 kB)

General power of attorney (pdf 162 kB)

Trademark proof of use (pdf 50 kB)

Transfer of a trademark

Please note that two forms are required. 

  • Confirmation of transfer of ownership of trademark registration.
  • Request to record changes to a registered trademark.

Power of attorney

Please note that two forms are required.

  • Power of attorney
  • Request to record changes to a registered trademark.

General power of attorney

Please note that if a general power of attorney is submitted for deposit in PRV's general power of attorney register, the general power of attorney must be submitted in original together with a written request for deposit.

Community trademark - EUIPO

Forms and online services on EUIPO's website.

Application for registration of community trademark, EUIPO (external website)

International trademark - WIPO

Use the forms on WIPO's website for application for international trademark registration according to the Madrid Protocol. When the application is based on a Swedish trademark registration, the form is sent to PRV.

Read more about international registration, WIPO

Application for international trademark registration according to the Madrid Protocol, WIPO (external website)

Sending in your forms

You can submit your forms in different ways.

By post

The Swedish Intellectual Property Office (PRV)
Box 530
826 27 Söderhamn

In person

You can file your application form in person at our reception on Kungsgatan 8 in Söderhamn or on Valhallavägen 136 in Stockholm.


You can also email your form, but If you do you may also need to supplement with original documents (depending on your case).

Email to customer support:

Do not fax

We advise you not to submit forms via fax. The image quality is often so poor that we cannot approve your application.

Read more

Help with the trademark application

Checklist for your application