Patent limitation

A holder of a Swedish or European patent valid in Sweden can request a so-called patent limitation at any time during the term of the patent.

This means you limit the scope of protection of your patent claims, for example, to avoid a dispute in court.

Requests for patent limitations of national Swedish patents or European patents validated in Sweden are filed with PRV/the SIPO. Requests for limitations of European patents with unitary effect are filed with the European Patent Office (EPO).  

In the former case, attach the new and limited claims to your request to us. If the request is approved, the limited claims are regarded as having been the valid claims throughout the entire patent term. If required, you may submit an amended description together with the new claims.

You must clearly state how the amended patent claims differ from the previous claims. If you have introduced new characteristics into the claims, you must state where the corresponding information is found in the originally filed documents.

The new patent claims must be in the same language as the previously granted claims.

You can also request that the patent be revoked in full.

A rejection of the request for patent limitation or revocation of the patent can be appealed to the national Patent and Market Court (Patent- och marknadsdomstolen).