Registration of a licence in the patent register

If you have given someone else permission to use your patent through a licence agreement, you can request registration of that in the patent register.

The request for registration of a licence in the patent register should include:

  1. the request for registration of a licence in the patent register
  2. the number of the patent which the registration concerns (filing or publication number)
  3. the licensor's name
  4. the licensee's name and address
  5. the date of the licence agreement
  6. any information regarding whether it is an exclusive or a single licence

The request must be signed by the patent owner or the licensee.

The request for registration of a licence agreement must be accompanied by a certified copy of the agreement or by extracts from the agreement showing the rights which have been licensed.

If the document proving the licence is not written in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish or English, PRV can request that the person requesting the registration translates the document into Swedish.