About deposit account

How to open a deposit account with PRV.

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Open a deposit account

If you are likely to require our services often, we offer the option of opening a deposit account – a convenient way to pay for searches, patent documents and other official fees.

Certain conditions apply when opening and maintaining a deposit account with PRV. For information on the requirements and how to use your account, follow the link below.

Your deposit account can also be used for other payments resulting from PRV's activities as a government agency, provided you and PRV have signed an agreement. See section 6B of the information below. In addition to this agreement, we also need your consent for PRV to make deposits or refunds into your deposit account.

Please, contact PRV Consulting if you have any questions.

Agreement and consent

Agreement and consent (pdf 204 kB)

  1. To open a deposit account with PRV we require a written request followed by an initial deposit; minimum amount 1000 SEK.

  2. The request is to be sent to the following address:
    Swedish Patent and Registration Office
    Financial- and planning section
    Box 5055
    SE-102 42 STOCKHOLM

    When ordering the deposit account the following details must be included, name, address and telephone number of the person or company.

  3. Deposits/payments are made to:
    IBAN: SE6912000000012810111758

    Bank address:
    Danske Bank Sverige
    Norrmalmstorg 1
    Box 7523
    103 92 Stockholm

    The initial deposit must include the text¸ “For opening a deposit account with PRV".

  4. Once the deposit account has been opened, the holder will be notified of the number. This is the customer number that the holder must refer to when taking contact with PRV Consulting.

  5. Please note that the deposit account must not be exceeded, it is the holder's responsibility to maintain a credit balance.

  6. The deposit accounts can be debited for:

    A) Payment of fees;costs incurred in respect of various searches, publications, specifications, copies and other services. This account is payable in US dollars or Euro (for members of EU only).

    B) Payment regarding PRV: s exercise of public authority; under the provision that PRV and the holder of the account have signed a special conditions agreement.

    For more information please contact PRV Consulting. This account is only payable in Swedish Crowns.

  7. Unless otherwise specified a debit order is drawn from a holders account.

  8. The account will be debited in sequence to orders made. With delivery of a requested service the customer will be sent a delivery note.

  9. Once a month the holder of the deposit account will receive a detailed statement of the transactions recorded. Please take contact with PRV Consulting if any discrepancies occur.

  10. The deposit account may be ceased upon written request by the holder. Any credit balance will be refunded to the holder of the account.

  11. PRV reserves the right to terminate, any account for which the provisions set out in point 5 are not fulfilled.