Industry Patent Quality Charter

Middle of 2022 the Industry Quality Charter (IPQC) was launched by some companies including leading applicants of European patents. The activity was and is lead by Beat Weibel, CIPO of Siemens and is open for all industries, including start-ups, small and medium sized companies and large companies anywhere in the world.

The aim of the Industry Quality Charter is to make sure that the patent quality of European patents and through the EPO is the highest in the world, thus leading to strong granted patents with high chances of reliable validity. To reach this goal clear demands have been formulated such as making sure the EPO delivers complete searches, carries out complete examination, collecting user feedback more systematically and making training available to examiners that helps them carrying out their work even better.

Once the IPQC was launched, there was a huge interest and support in the community, which resulted in additional companies joining. On top, just the other week a meeting between management of the EPO and all representatives of the IPQC and representatives of the national patent offices took place. The conclusion was to continue the discussion and collaboration between the EPO and the IPQC members.

Should you be interested in joining or wanting more information feel free to reach out to or

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